NOT full page

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Does it have to be full page?

I would love to use this as a slider but not for the full page. Can it be contained within a block of some sort? Or can it be sized?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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soupmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, it's set up for whole page background images only at the moment. Making it work in any containing div creates a few problems - the main one is that the div must be explicitly sized. Because the add on uses the background property, rather than adding an image, if the containing div isn't explicitly sized, it collapses to zero pixels tall.

I mucked around with this for a while trying to autodetect the size and also being able to set the height from the edit dialog, but in the end it became too messy and I wasn't sure if anyone would want that functionality.

I'm tied up for the next few days on another project, but if you can wait a week, I'll clean up my code and post a new version.
JosephGraham replied on at Permalink Reply
soupmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi JosephGraham,

Just letting you know I've updated the add on with the ability to place the slideshow within any containing div.

JosephGraham replied on at Permalink Reply
soupmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem Joseph. I had a couple of similar requests for the same
Happy to do it.

*Nathan Reid*

*e *
*m* 0401 843 411

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