Accessibility Tool

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Version 9 Ready!

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Very useful and versatile add-on to fill the EU directivies about accessibility. With this block user can change you…


A complicated usage - and therefore an impairment - on the website / in the online store is already caused by a font that is too small or a contrast that is set too low.

You help about 10% of all people in Germany (= 7.9 million severely disabled people) to experience your website better or correctly. For them, unfortunately, the use of the Internet is not a matter of course.

With the "Accessibility Tool" we have developed the claim to make the internet usable for everyone. The focus is on the following four target groups who are helped with the tool:


1) Elder ( GER = 13 million citizens over 70 years old).

2) Dyslexics ( GER = up to 3.5 milllions have a reading and/or spelling disability in adulthood).

3) physical disability ( GER = over 4.5 million have a physical disability. Of these, approximately 500,000 have a disability in their arms and/or legs).

4) People with visual impairment (GE = 350,000 with a visual impairment).

From 28.6.2025, an accessible website or online store will be mandatory for all companies that sell products and services over the Internet within Europe. This is regulated by the Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BSFSG in Germany), which was already passed in 2020.

The following functions are offered by "Accessible tool":

1. navigation with keyboard (tab key)

Sight or motorical impaired people can easily navigate the website / online store by keyboard.

2. contrast

Contrast sets a compensation for people who are subject to visual impairment or color vision deficiency. Adjustable in four levels:
> Inverted colors
> Dark contrast
> Bright contrast
> Black and white

3. highlight links

Links on the website are highlighted in color to provide a better overview. Individual color selection is possible in the backend of your website / online store.

4. enlarge text

Depending on the strength of the visual impairment, the text can be enlarged for better readability. Adjustable in four levels:
> standard text
> moderate text
> large text
> larger text


5. character spacing

Simplifies the readability of the text for people with a visual impairment or for dyslexics.  Adjustable in three levels:
> small spacing
> moderate spacing
> large spacing


6. font

A font specially designed for dyslexics to better distinguish letters from each other. Adjustable in two levels:
> standard font
> Dyslexia friendly


7. reading guide The mouse pointer becomes a colored crossbar that stretches across the entire width of the website/online store. It thus serves as a guide line for reading. 8. pause animationsAnimations (moving images) can disturb the reading flow or distract the reader. Accessibility tools allow you to pause animations at the touch of a button.


9. short info

Short info displays the ALT text* of the images contained on the website / online store.
*ALT-Text is the abbreviation for alternative text, which is used to describe images on the website / online store. The ALT text is stored in the HTML code and is normally not visible. 

10. mouse pointer  Enlarged mouse pointer for improved visibility. Adjustable in two levels:
> mouse pointer
> large mouse pointer




Current Version: 1.0.5
Fully Translatable: Yes
Needs External Libraries: No
Compatible 8.5.7+
License: Standard
Support Response: Replies to tickets every few days.
Support Hosted: On
Needs extra server permissions: No
Needs Internet: No
Marketplace Tests:
Passed Automated Tests
Passed PRB Review