install error

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Ive just purchased this addon so i can learn about making blocks for myself. When i completed the install i had an error message as in pic 01. befre dealing with it i decided it was time for coffee, and on my return i saw BD Pro waiting for intallation & pressed install again, pic 02 has that result, but basically it told me i had already installed it and it was listed at the bottom of the installed list.

So i then went to see it the the dashboard\ stacks n blocks, but only the basic block designer is there, i clicking this i get the error shown in pic 03.

I am using RC1 & wonder if this is the cause of the issue.
As it stands i have no use from either of the addons & BD Pro has not completed installation.

Hope ive given enough details...

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
View Replies:
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pat,

What version of Block Designer do you have installed? If you can update this, please update to the latest version.

Kind regards,

fivepints replied on at Permalink Reply

i bought this a few days ago,

Block Designer v.1.2.0
Block Designer Pro v.1.0.1

It may have installed ok as i have gone back to v2.7.4
this now shows i have 26 icons to use to make a block, got a felling this is the pro version?
would be nice to change the title to include pro so its easy to tell when its installed.

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pat,

Could have been the RC indeed, as it's working with 5.7.4. Perhaps they changed stuff that broke? Not yet tested 5.7.5, as I'm busy with client projects.

Thanks for the suggestion for mentioning the Pro version. The Pro version indeed adds some options, but that's mentioned anywhere. You can see it in your extensions of course that it's installed. I will think about making something graphic wise in the Block Designer page. Some sort of text or logo/graphic/icon sort of thing. Does that make sense? :)

Kind regards,

BetterCS replied on at Permalink Reply
Any chance to get it working for 5.7.5 asap? Just purchased and installed latest block designer and pro in that order and I get the following when going to the block designer dashboard page:

Class 'Concrete\Package\BlockDesigner\Src\BlockDesignerProcessor' not found

I don't see anything funny with the namespace, it should work? Maybe a quick fix? 5.7.5 will be released any day so it would be nice to have this working before, we can't use it in it's current state because we are using 5.7.5 and downgrading isn't a possibility at this point..
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, give me some time to fix this please. I have to install 5.7.5 and dive into this!
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pat,

Can you update Block Designer to version 1.2.1 and confirm if it's working now?

Kind regards,

fivepints replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ramon,

I have tried to update to v1.2.1 but it says there is no update. when i try to download archive this shows up as v1.0.1, but once installed i can see it says Developed by Devoda © 2015 - Version 1.2.0

As mentioned before i decided to return to v.5.7.4 until things were updated, if 5.7.5 is to be with us very shortly then it makes sense now to wait for its update method and then update yours once you have it sorted.

many thanks
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply

I mean, update Block Designer itself, not the Pro version! Pro has it's own identified version (1.0.1 currently). Block Designer should be at 1.2.1 and updatable.

Kind regards,

fivepints replied on at Permalink Reply
ok i will try, but so far it says there is no update available when clicking update addons..
i'll check for a manual download and install that if its there...

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Weird... if I go to the marketplace page (, the page does say it's 1.2.1..
You still connected with the marketplace and your install is working for other Add-Ons?

Kind regards,

fivepints replied on at Permalink Reply
yes so far that is correct.

I have however managed a manual download & have installed it again after uninstalling the previous one just to be sure.

As ive said, i am now on v5.7.4. awaiting v5.7.5 and im hoping all will be well when i upgrade to this.

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pat,

5.7.5 should be working correctly. Do let me know if you have issues though.

Kind regards,


concrete5 Environment Information

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Version Installed - 5.7.5RC1
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