Suggestions for bloc types

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If you're looking for suggestions for block types, here are a few I feel would be very nice to add :
* Regex - essentially a Text field, but with a regex that would trigger an error when it fails and display a customized error message. This would replace a whole lot of different types, such as Numeric or Phone, with the advantage of flexibility
* Regex with a Textarea - this would be nice when accepting embed code for instance, to run some sanity checks
* Topic - allowing to select a topic
* Spinner - just a Numeric field with arrows to select an integer number

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Thanks for the suggestions. The regex one seems interesting. That would be fun to play with. I'd have to see what happens if one enters an invalid regex though...

As for "spinner", that's just a "number" input right? Or what you mean with spinner? Not sure I've heard of that term yet, so interested what you mean with that!

Kind regards,
dangrth replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, that would be a number input with an integer value and arrow keys. Such as the default HTML input in some browsers :

It's interesting to both help the user and make sure he is inputting an integer value.

But the regex would be the most useful I think. Validity could be checked by the CLI when generating the block.

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