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Blog Author Hub

Provides quick links for managing a list of pages (intended for blog entries).  The four links allow you to: -

  1. Go directly to the blog entry or page.
  2. Edit the blog entry or page directly in composer.
  3. Delete the page.
  4. Make a duplicate copy of the page.

This add-on was originally aimed at website editors who manage a blog on their website but do not want to be exposed to the concrete5 dashboard only for this basic function.

Editors do not need to use the properties dialog to add additional blog info, they can use the composer interface without directly accessing the site-map!

It has become something more with the addition of a template for the standard Page List Block, allowing front-end management of any content across an entire website.

N.B. The 'Edit' button only works for page types that are set up in composer.

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