
Current Version

Review posted by VolgensBartjes on at


i get an error when clicking the "home" link under coccle in my dashboard:

mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.ctID' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("update CobblePageTypes set isSinglePageHandle = 1 where convert(ctHandle using utf8) collate utf8_general_ci in (select convert(cHandle using utf8) collate utf8_general_ci from Collections inner join Pages on Collections.cID = Pages.cID where Pages.ctID = 0)")

any idea what is wrong?
Review posted by olacom on at

Not working for me

I wish I could say positive thing but it jammed my website for a long time and become inaccessible. Test it on a test server before adding it to your live website.
Review posted by CBknits on at

Very Useful

I highly recommend it. It's a fantastic tool that aids in getting and giving help to one another.

I've already used it a couple of times to help me figure out what I've done to my new site as I've changed this 'n that. The developer, agedman, has been very helpful as well.
Review posted by ideasponge on at

Very cool

I love it. Loaded with details and very helpful. Even cooler it's free. Thanks.

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