
Setup (after install):

  • navigate to Sytem & Settings -> CDN
  • turn on add-on by selecting "on" in the Status section
  • add your secure/unsecure (or both) cdn urls
  • clear cache

Troubleshooting with logs

  • turn off cache!!
  • navigate to Sytem & Settings -> CDN
  • turn on logging
  • navigate back to the logging and select TYPE: E17_CDN_LOG
  • tail logs to see what is and isn't getting adjusted

I'm getting error: "PHP Extension 'tidy' is required for this package. Please install and try install again."
The php tidy lib is required for this package. By default a lot of systems might not have this lib installed. You can install it using the following methods:

  1. aptitude package manager (any debian based linux system): sudo apte-get install php5-tidy
  2. yum package manager (cent-os): yum install php-tidy
  3. WAMP: navigate to PHP->PHP extensions click on php_tidy
  4. If you don't use a package manager you'll have to re-complie php with --with-tidy option.

Please remember to restart your webserver after you've installed the new package and then re-install the add-on.


Let us know if something is not working and we'll look into it as soon as we can.