
The Dashboard Maximizer package has no settings. You simply install and then switch on and off from the new Systems & Settings > Basics > Dashboard Maximizer page. Dashboard Maximizer is globally activated by default on install, as is the 'maximize/minimize' header icon.

No existing Concrete5 Dashboard CSS or Javascript will be touched...Dashboard Maximizer merely injects a single responsive CSS stylesheet on page load for the layout (which selectively replaces some of the default Bootstrap grid fixed-widths) and a javascript file to add/control the instant maximize/minimize page icon in the page headers.

As of v1.1.0 media-queries are now employed to completely bypass Maximizer styles on inappropriate monitors (ie. window width < 980px). A polyfill (Respond.js) is conditionally included for IE7 & IE8.

As of v2.0.1 compatible with the new Concrete 5.6 release!

As of v2.0.4 compatible with the Concrete

A minor Core bug exists that might, in very rare cases, cause this add-on to be skipped when rendering a Dashboard page. I have submitted a patch to the Core and updated this package to v1.0.8 to remedy. -- fixed in new c5.6 release!