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DIY Navigation

This add on allows for draggable and droppable ordering of a nav that you create using the sitemap helper, not by ordering pages via the sitemap(usually supremely restricted in most concrete5 installs(or should be), though you can easily template this to use like a page-list, you could build front-page sliders for site promotions, the possibilities are endless.

This is great for someone that has content all over their site, several pages deep, or on the front page. Without using a custom attribute you can select any pages, order them, and provide an image to use as an "icon" for the page, or you can select an image and that is used as the link to the page.  

If someone doesn't like the order of the pages on their nav, you now have the option to allow them to set up their autonav in however they see fit.

Fernandos provided me with a really cool css3/jquery hover nav that will work great as a starting template for customizations for this block. It is under custom templates.




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