Listing Frequently Updated Files w/Unique Names

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I have a client with a C5 (8.2) site who has files that are constantly being updated. Right now, I am using the free *list files from a set* addon. These files have specific file names with version info embedded, so I can't merely use a generic title like Current Version. Right now, they FTP the files to the incoming directory (they are big) and then import them into the File Manager. The client is concerned by the amount of cruft generated by having multiple large files up there that when replaced, may not be needed anymore as well as ballooning the Files directory with maybe hundreds of additional directories and subdirectories. Finally, my question. What can I tell him to assuage his fear or is there a better solution to managing and displaying these files? I guess what I would most like to see is a way to replace the current file yet retain the new file’s filename. Thanks for your help.

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