Version History

1.7 - Add a argument to change iFrame url using page URL
1.61 - Fix a bug auto-height not works in all cases
1.5 - Fix a bug with query string
1.4 - Add query string GET management
1.2 - Fix String.trim() not supported by IE and frame.onload = startResize not supported in IE in document body
1.1 - Fix adjh on view.php, if $adjustheight then empty too and multiple startResize() calls
1.0 - First release
0.8 - Validate required fields presence
0.7 - Adjust height value
0.6 - Re calculate hight when iframe content is loaded or reloaded
0.5 - Show error when redirection is not on same domain
0.4 - Enable/Disable height when dynamic height is selected
0.3 - Add script to resize the iframe
0.2 - Added dynamic height
0.1 - Initial Release - based on iframe by Remo Laubacher