What do all the options mean?

Maximum score: the maximum scrore you can rate.

Steps: a number value of steps you can increase of decrease with (eg. 1 or 0.5 etc.)

Size: Select a size for your icons and button

Background icon: the icon shown on the background

Foreground icon: the icon shown on top the the background icon

Button icon: the icon shown in the button

Button text: the tekst shown in the button

Only Registered Users: Choose NO if you want everyone to be able to vote. Choose YES if you only want registered users to be able to vote.

Text one: See the FAQ for more information and optional values 

Thank you: type a message to be shown when a user has voted

Already voted: type a message to be shown if a users tries to vote again

Sending: type a 'Please wait' message to be shown after the user submits the vote

Registered Users Only: type a message to be shown if the Only Registered Users option is turned ON and they need to log in first