


This package requires concrete5.5.1 or higher and the eCommerce package version 2.8.3 or higher to install. Install as normal via the marketplace or manually.

Post-install configuration and testing

Once the package is installed, it can be enabled via Dashboard->Payment and Sales Tax (under the eCommerce heading). By default, the payment method will be installed with the name 'Pin Payments'.

The are entry fields for two pairs of API keys, one for testing and one for live. These keys can be found within your Pin Payments account. Simply copy these keys into the appriopriate fields and save. The initial signup with Pin Payments will only give you test API keys.


In testing mode, use the test cards on the Pin Payments Test Cards page. Test transactions will appear in the charges section of your Pin Payments account.

Pin Trans ID

When the payment method is installed it will automatically create a new order attribute called 'Pin Trans ID'. This field is used to match up the payment description in Pin Payments and the orders in concrete5. When the payment method is enabled, it will also automatically display this field in the Orders Search dashboard page, where it can be searched for.

The Pin Trans ID is not shown on order emails or order details summaries, however, it is trivial to search for an order by the order number and then use the Pin Trans ID attribute to find the matching transaction in Pin Payments.

Going Live

Once you have finished testing, you will need to activate your Pin Payments account for live transactions. This is done by completing a form within your Pin Payments account and waiting for your account to be approved. Once approved your Pin Payments account can accept live transactions and your will provided with the set of live API keys.

In the payment method settings:

  • Change the Mode to Live
  • Enter in the API keys for live transactions, as provided by Pin Payments (will appear in your Pin Payments account)

Things to be aware of:

  • Live transactions can only be processed through a page that is secured by https. Attempting to process live transactions through plain http will result in all transaction failing with a non descript error message. You will need to have an SSL certification install and either enable the 'Use SSL for Checkout' setting in the Order Settings section of eCommerce Settings in the Dashboard, or run your entire site via https.
  • Make sure that there are no Javascript errors on your website - the credit card form relies on some basic Javascript validation, as well the communication with the gateway itself.

Styling the credit card form

The credit card from includes numerous classes and markup that should be able to easily styled using CSS.

However, the credit card form can also be overriden by copying:




and editing it there. Please only do this if you are an experienced developer.