

This package requires concrete5.5.1 or higher and the eCommerce package version 2.8.3 or higher to install. 

Post-install configuration and testing

Once the package is installed, it can be enabled via Dashboard->Payment and Sales Tax (under the eCommerce heading). By default, the payment method will be installed with the name 'SecurePay Payment Gateway'.


SecurePay provides a testing merchant account. Set the mode to 'Test Mode' and use:

Merchant ID: ABC0001

Transaction Password: abc123

Test credit card number: 4444333322221111

(Use any expiration date and three or four digit CCV)

Testing Merchant Account Login:

Test transactions (included rejected transactions) can be verified on the gateway's side by using the testing merchant account login:


Merchant ID: ABC

Username: test

Password: abc1234!!

Return codes

In testing mode, the result of the transaction is based on the number of cents in the amount processed. For successful payments, use a total that ends with 00 or 08 cents. All other amounts will be declined with matching bank response codes. For more information, see:

Other settings

Transaction Type

  • The 'Sale' transaction type means payments are immediately processed.
  • The 'Authorization' transaction type means that cards are checked and a pre-authorised. In this mode, payments need to be 'captured' within the payment gateway a later point.

Reference ID Prefix:

Payments are recored in SecurePay with a reference ID. This prefix can be used if you have multiple shops using the same merchant account and wish to pre-fix the reference IDs for easier identification. This field is optional.

SecurePay Reference ID

When the payment method is installed it will automatically create a new order attribute called 'SecurePay Reference ID'. This field is used to match up payment with SecurePay and the orders in concrete5. When the payment method is enabled, it will also automatically display this field in the Orders Search dashboard page, where it can be searched for.

The SecurePay Reference ID is not shown on order emails or order details summaries, however it is trivial to search for an order by the order number and then use the SecurePay Reference ID attribute to find the matching transaction in SecurePay.

Going Live

Once you have finished testing, you will need to contact SecurePay for Live activation. Once authorised, in the payment method settings:

  • Change the Mode to Live
  • Change the Merchant ID and and transaction password to those provided by SecurePay


Make sure that there are no Javascript errors on your website - the credit card form relies on some basic Javascript validation.

Styling the credit card form

The credit card from includes numerous classes and markup that should be able to easily styled.

However the credit card form can also be overriden by:

copying /packages/core_commerce_securepay_directpost/models/core_commerce/payment/methods/securepay_directpost/form.php


and editing it there. Please only do this if you are an experienced developer.