
General Docs

You set up the information at dashboard-> Email Posting to use with your email account (note that currently only gmail accounts are supported to receive new messages). You can then immediately email your given email address new posts. There is a format to these, as detailed by the section Format of Emails Sent. Once you have sent an email in the correct format, you go to your site dashboard->system and maintenance and run the job Email Posting to convert your message to a blog post. The process of running the job can be automated by nontab. Read more about nontab in the section Why to Use Nontab

Why to use Nontab:

Nontab is a concrete5 marketplace addon that lets you schedule running jobs on your site. This lets you run jobs at a regular interval which you specify without having to access your site. This is useful for Email to Blog Posts because you don't have to access your site to blog, which is this addons intention. 

Format of Emails Sent:

To: (1) 

Subject: (2)

Message Body:




(1)The email address you specified at

(2)Your sites subject password (located at under Site Subject Password)

(3)The name of the blog entry you want to add.

(4)The content of your post. You can use markdown here.

An example email would be


Subject: password

Message Body:

[name]This is a really cool post![/name]


A First Level Header  
A Second Level Header  
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This is just a regular paragraph.  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.  
### Header 3  
