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I just looked through the code for this addon, and in models/jbx_force_ssl.php I found the following bit of code:
if (!defined(BASE_SSL_URL)) {
    $base_ssl_url = preg_replace('@http://@', 'https://', BASE_URL);
} else {
    $base_ssl_url = BASE_SSL_URL;

From what I have seen, the HTTPS URL to a website is defined in the constant named BASE_URL_SSL instead of BASE_SSL_URL, so I doubt that BASE_SSL_URL will ever be defined.


Type: Discussion
Status: New
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jeppet replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh, I just noticed the same is the case for all the three files under the autonav folder.
jbx replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
When I originally wrote this addon, I wasn't taking into account the C5 BASE_URL_SSL. The idea for this, was that if you wanted to use a completely different URL for SSL, then you could define it yourself in the site.php. I've altered it slightly in a newer version (not yet released) to JBX_SSL_URL to make it less ambiguous.

Make sense?

jeppet replied on at Permalink Reply
Sure, it makes more sense then. On first glance I just thought it was a mistake, and hence why I thought I would report it here.

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