Passing utm values to hidden field

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I need to pass UTM values into hidden form fields from urls. e.g.

In standard concrete5 forms this fails as 1. there is no hidden field option and 2. the field cannot be named appropriately e.g name="utm_source"

Is this possible in Formidable?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Yes you can add default values in many fields.
Default values can be User or Page Attributes, but also dynamic data like $_GET.


katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Corretje,

I'm trying this now.

The problem is that the hidden field renames itself and therefore the value is not received. I need to pass in:

But Formidable renames this field utm-source-10.

I need to get to a place where formidable gives the field the proper name 'utm_source'. Can you suggest how this might be achieved?
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

Here a screenshot of how to setup your hidden-field.
Hope this helps.


katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I'm trying this now but every time I try to add 'utm_source' to the request dat field it replaces the text with this string (see screenshot)


I've tried a couple of different browsers and still get the problem.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Aha! I see...
You need to change a file to fix this for now..
Open your site with an FTP-client and go to /packages/formidable_full/views/dialogs/elements/dialog.php and go to line 153
There you see this code
echo $form->text('default_value_request', $element->getPropertyValue('default_value_value'), array('data-mask' => '*?************************'));

change this to:
echo $form->text('default_value_request', $element->getPropertyValue('default_value_value'));

Then save and reload. This should fix the issue for now. I'll update the addon asap.


katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply
I can now set this up in the admin but the form still shows the old name and doesn't populate with the request info.

You can see here:
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Please provide me with the C5-login details and the FTP-login details.
I need to see what is happening...

Send them to please.
I'll take a look asap!
katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply
Access details sent by email yesterday p.m.


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