Need help with Incorrect format of address field in the email template - when upgrading from v8 to v9

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So sorry to repost this item, as the Client we are working with decided to proceed with the Support Plan to expedite this item - so this may be posted in the general discussion as well (we didn't see a quick way to remove it.)

We are using the address field and have selected the format as "Address 1 (new line) Address 2 (new line) City (new line) State (new line) Country (new line) Postal Code", and to display this field we have added the elements "{%element_label|corporate_address%}: {%element_value|corporate_address%}" this directly adds the value of the address field, as the business is in US, the format in the email template is showing incorrectly it is showing "{house number if exists} {street name}, {zipcode}, {state}, {city name}, {country}" whereas it should be showing the format " house/apt number, name of the city, name of the state, zip code and then name of the country.

The above changes were completed on the v8. Upgrading to v9 did not carry over this format.
Can your team update the format to the above, OR what would be the next steps to achieve this outcome.

Thank you so much!

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
View Replies:
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
We have not yet heard back on this item. Please let us know when you are able to review and provide us with feedback or if you need additional information. Thank you!
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

I responded on another (same) request If I'm not mistaken:

I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
I will put your other response here. I couldn't find a way to delete the other item as we are using this one as it is aSupport Ticket level.
Are the result in the mail based on old submissions or new ones?
Did you try to "re-save" the address-element again?

I guess something went wrong with the conversion of the V8 to V9 version.


InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
What has occurred is that when we were using Concrete v8 compatible version of Formidable, and then we upgraded the website to Concrete v9, and are now using the version 9 compatible version of Formidable (which means we had to purchase a new Formidable).

We had specific format in place which was working in the older Formidable, and when we have upgraded to version 9 no longer appears to be valid/are not working. We are looking to see if you could review the information we provided above, and what we should now be using to get the desired result within the new version of formidable.
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Checking in on if you have any additional questions on the clarification we provided last week, and an update. We appreciate your time!
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Could you send me the login-details for C5 and FTP-logindetails?
That way I can check what is happening and is going wrong.

Please send the details to

I'll check it out asap.


InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not able to provide the FTP credentials for the current live site because of security reasons with the host. Would it be helpful for us to provide a code and database example of the format which we were using in the Concrete Version 8 compatible of Formidable so you are able to replicate what we were originally doing - and then provide what would need to be done in v9 compatible version of Formidable?

Or is there a way we can do a Video cast to show you what we had implemented and the issue - and show you how we implemented the update? Please let me know which of these would best help. Thank you!
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Corretje - Checking if you had seen our message below. We would like to give an update to our client so wanted to see if any of the other options we provided would work for your debugging. Let us know, thanks so much!
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Its hard for me to see the issue if I'm not allowed to access the site.

If you can, provide me with the old tables. I'll see if I can do a conversion on my side.
And if you want, please create a video of the exact issue you are encoutering.

InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Corretje - We have sent an email to:
With the subject of: Formidable Support Ticket: Need help with Incorrect format of address field in the email template - when upgrading from v8 to v9

Please let us know you get this email as it has the information on how to replicate. Thank you!
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
We had received a direct email from your team on 4/17 saying the videos we sent with how to replicate were helpful, and you were going to hopefully have a new update for the addon that week. Can you let us now where this process is at, as I see the most current release is on the Version History here:

Let us know! Thank you.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry forgot to update the changelog.
There is a new version available today!
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Our Team has submitted an email to your team on 5/1 after we tried to install the latest version to Please review the email submitted and the issue we are seeing with the Javascript error.
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply
Just updated the addon! Please update.



concrete5 Environment Information

# Concrete Version
Core Version - 9.2.4
Version Installed - 9.2.4
Database Version - 20231207100748

# Hostname

# Environment

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Version: 5.7.44-log

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Block Designer (4.1.6), Formidable (, Informatics Blog (1.0.1), Informatics Social Media Tags (0.0.1)

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Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

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# Server API

# PHP Version

# PHP Extensions
apache2handler, bcmath, bz2, calendar, Core, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, FFI, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, igbinary, intl, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, memcached, msgpack, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, Phar, posix, readline, Reflection, session, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sodium, SPL, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, Zend OPcache, zip, zlib

# PHP Settings
max_execution_time - 120
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