WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Hey there! Just to wanted to let you know we've just reduced all our 5.6 themes and add-ons. For the most part you can buy themes for only $25 and add-ons for only $15. In all cases you can get a 5 pack for the price of 3!

Thanks for reading!!

- 25 May 2016

Formigo Cookies Disclosure

Formigo Cookies Disclosure is the cookies disclosure mechanism for Concrete5 websites.

Intended to replace the tracking codes section of your website, Formigo Cookies Disclosure makes the disclosure about your use of cookies, what users can do about them, and prevents third party cookie setting scripts from running until your visitor has given their permission. It also provides a link to your site's privacy policy.

Stop. Before you buy this, did you know you can do disclosure for free? This add-on is based on the free opensource disclosure javascript we wrote called "cookiesDirective.js". If you wanted to get into editing your theme, you could use that script for free instead.

So, why might you choose to use this add-on that costs a few dollars?

  • Well,  we update it, as we improve the cookiesdirective.js script, those features end up in this add-on.
  • You don't need to make any theme edits in order to prevent your tracking codes running. Everything is done from the Concrete5 dashboard.*
  • We support it, as developers of paid add-ons must.
  • You're a business looking for a disclosure solution for Concrete5 and think $20 is a reasonable price to pay to reward our effort that saves you getting your own more expensive solution developed.
  • You're a developer looking for a disclosure solution for Concrete5 to use on your client websites that you're making money on, not the sort, who needs every add-on to be free.

* Please note. This add-on is intended to replace the tracking codes section of your website. As such it controls cookie setting scripts which are pasted into the HTML/JavaScript section of the add-ons dashboard settings. Anything set outside of that, perhaps by other add-ons is not under this add-ons control. The best it can do is allow you to make a disclosure about those cookies.

You can check out a demo here.


  • "Free-text" disclosure message.
  • Example text is supplied which can be tailored.
  • Serve disclosure message at head or foot of viewport.
  • Once cookies accepted, choose to place your cookie creating scripts in the head or foot of page.
  • Set a duration to display the disclosure for.
  • Optionally, set a limit on how many times the disclosure will be made
  • Easilly select the page of your website which contains your privacy poiicy.
  • Easy to enable/disable.

This is not a block, it's a dashboard based add-on.  You only need to install and enable and it works across your site. No blocks to add.


Sales have ended due to EOL

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