
Simple Content is designed to be an incredibly simple content editing solution -- even more straightforward than concrete5's built-in content editor -- built for editors, not designers. This is achieved through two primary features:
  1. The editor is easy to load -- one click -- and allows editing in-place (not just "in-context"). All site styles apply during editing, and seeing how the new text works with other text on the page is automatic. Is a title too wide for the width of the text box? Does too much text push another block below the fold? When editing in-place, these answers are just part of normal editing.
  2. The designer/administrator has absolute control over which formatting the editor can use. Options like background color and font-face aren't even possible, and of those available, the administrator can configure what is shown to the editor. Currently available formatting options are:
    • Standard formatting: bold, italic, underline
    • Lists: ordered lists, unordered lists
    • Blocks / Headings: Paragraph (always available), H1, H2, H3, H4
    • Classes: A drop-down of classes is fully configurable
    • Links, Images, and Files: Selected from the sitemap and the file manager, with concrete5 fileset filtering available
If there is more than one Simple Content block on the page, these can be edited at the same time (just click the edit button on each block).
Special note for floated and other overlapping content: The editor area is "position: relative" and, according to HTML spec, will be placed on top of all other content that's not explicitly positioned. This will cause problems with, for example, links where the area covers the links even if the content doesn't (think of a navigation box floated to the right of a text area). If you have this problem, then you need to modify the CSS of the element that you want to be covered (e.g. the navigation box). You must:
  1. Set position: relative (or any other explicit positioning)
  2. Set z-index: 3 (the value has to be under 5 so that the button will still appear on top)
Versions and Approvals
Simple Content works with concrete5's versioning functionality. Even if the editor doesn't enter into edit mode (by clicking Edit Page), any changes made will create a new version upon clicking the Save button. When multiple blocks are being edited at the same time, changes are saved as part of the same version.
Just like concrete5, changes are not automatically shown to the public; they must be approved first. After a change is made, a message appears on the top right of the page (the same message that concrete5 generates if a page is unapproved). If the user has permissions to approve the page a link is provided. If the changes aren't approved immediately, any user with appropriate permissions can click Edit Page then Versions then Approve -- just like any other concrete5 edits.
Other than adding the block where desired, and ensuring that permissions are set up normally (as detailed below), there isn't much else that needs to be done.

Configuration of the editor
The editor panel is highly customizable, with every potential button and option on the panel being configurable (except for setting paragraphs). This allows the administrator to choose exactly what formatting is allowed -- h1 and h3, but not h2, for example.
The configuration is done through the dashboard. After installation, click on Lerteco Content from the menu on the left side. 
The checkboxes are self-explanatory. The other options are:
  • *Classes. The administrator can choose which classes can be added via the panel. These classes should already exist in the site's stylesheet and then be listed, exactly as in the stylesheet and in the desired order, in the text box. When the panel is shown during editing, the classes will be listed. If no classes are listed in the text box, the drop down will not appear in the panel.
  • * File Sets. When the image or file buttons are clicked, the concrete5 file manager appears. If file sets are listed in the associated text boxes, only files in those sets will be shown in the File Manager. Note that the user is not limited to these file sets as it's trivial to uncheck the filter checkboxes after the file manager appears.

    On installation, two default file sets are added, "Content Editor Images" and "Content Editor Files". It's recommended that, for the convenience of your editors, you place relevant files into the appropriate file set. If not, you should remove the file set names from the text boxes or the file manager will not show any files when it is launched.

    N.B. When the image button is clicked, the file manager is opened with concrete5's "image" filter set. 
concrete5 Permissions
Simple Content works within the framework of concrete5's permissions. This may be a bit confusing because, to use Simple Content, you don't have to click Edit Page and interact through the normal concrete5 interface.
The following three permissions affect the block's behavior:
  • Page Editing. Either through the dashboard's sitemap or through the page's editing bar, the appropriate group needs to be checked under "Who can edit this page?". Without this permission, the editing button (the pencil) will not appear and the user will not be able to enter editing mode.
  • Sitemap Access. In order to add a link to another page on the site, the user must be given permission to access the concrete5 sitemap. Without this permission, the link button will not appear on the editing panel, even if the editor is configured to show the link button. This permission is granted by going to the SItemap in the dashboard, clicking the Access button in the navigation bar, then clicking Yes after Access Sitemap and Page Search under the appropriate user group. 
  • File Manager Access. In order to add a file or image, the user must be given permission to search for files. Without this permission, the image and file buttons will not appear on the editing panel, even if the editor is configured to show those buttons. This permission is granted by going to the File Manager in the dashboard, clicking the Access button in the navigation bar, then clicking All after Search Files under the appropriate user group.