problem exporting from one C5 site to import to another C5 site

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Hi, just got this add-on and i am having some issue with the cvs transfer... problem is, I have a mac and using "numbers". so when I click on "export" in the users "search users" block of Site 1, I am able to download it as ".xls". However, when I open it in "numbers" to edit it to the correct format to import the info to Site 2, it doesn't look right and i get an error message saying that it's not a valid excel document and might look different. I'll say, I can't seem to get it to look like anything other than a bunch of codes mixed in with data. so, can anyone recommend a way around this or does it seem that this add-on will not work in my situation? thanks for any help...

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you attach some screenshots? I've never used numbers, but I'd expect it would be fairly easy to import the CSV, which it sounds like the point you're currently stuck on.

With that being said, concrete5's export has been "wrong" for years now. Basically fundamentally flawed, but working well enough. It's possible that it just doesn't play well with Numbers.
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
oh, thank you very much for the quick response! Here are a couple screen shots... the first one (a) is how it looks immediately upon opening the .xls in Numbers.

the second, (b) is how it looks when i try to stretch it out to see if the format would start to look better.... but it doesnt.
(the grayed out sections are just fragments of user's info/attributes, but even here i see that there is no format where the info from one user is in line. this seems very sporadic in this view.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, this is a long-standing bug due to laziness on the part of concrete5.

The "XLS" file is actually an HTML file with a table. Excel will open it up without complaining, but obviously Numbers won't.

If you have excel, that should work fine. Alternatively, I just tested and was able to open the "xls" file on my mac in my browser (chrome) by dragging it to my browser. (If that doesn't work, you might have to change the extension from xls to html.) Once it's in your browser you should be able to copy the entire table and paste into an open numbers doc.
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
wow, what a long day! Just in case this helps someone else... I found "OpenOffice" free at: (we use cnet for years and trust their integrity thus far). In order to open the app though, i did have to go into my desktop security preferences and allow downloads from "anywhere". after the install i locked it back up to only the app store. anyway, i have the .xls file open now ready to continue.

It appears that once finished, we need to use the "save as" option and scroll down to select the cvs option, and not the export option.

again, big thanks for the immediate response and recommendations!

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