
After installtaion you'll find the new function in concrete5's dashboard in the Sitemap menu:

...after installation

 The version list shows some filter elements on top of the list:

You can filter the version list by a page and/or a user for Author and/or Approver columns.

The button Clear form clears all entered filter values and sets the number of items per page to the initial value 20.

Please click at Search to start evaluating the filter values.

To scan for obsolete versions click at Scan obsolete. All entries displayed are scanned for all versions of each collection (cID). To scan all versions set a big number into Items per page before clicking at Search. An obsolete version is defined as versions of a collection having

  • version number less than a present approved version number or
  • version number less than the highest version number, if no approved version present.

All obsolete versions found are checked (). You can check/uncheck any version manually. Any not approved version having version number higher than the approved version is marked with a read exlamation mark (see cId 1, Version 15).

Removal of the checked versions is performed by clicking the button Delete checked. A diaolg box pops up showing what's going to happen next:

 On clicking at the button Remove the non reversable process of version removal takes place:

In the bottom of the dialog box a progress bar is shown containing information about the number of versions and collection ID being deleted.

After reaching 100% the dialog box is closed automatically and the version list is refreshed.