Version History

1.2.2 - Added constraint on the lightbox so the gallery does not extend to the next mosaic.

1.2.1 - Added lightbox options: Overlay visibility and color.

1.2 - Modified script lightbox to support tablet screen sizes.

1.1.6 - Added support for Fileset ordering.

1.1.5 - Minor bug fix on variable dumping.

1.1.4 - Minor bug fix for hiding title on lightbox viewport.

1.1.3 - Bug fix for Firefox block interface display.

1.1.2 - Minor bug fix for PHP 5.4 regarding empty object initialization

1.1.1 - Minor bug fix for showing image title as caption within lightbox

1.1 - Added feature to control column width and responsive support

1.0.2 - Added feature to hide image title in lightbox

1.0.1 - Fixed issue with image resizing

1.0 - Initial Release