Using multiple og:image tags

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Great Addon!

could you add the possibility to add and sort multiple og:image tags, please?


Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
Why do you need multiple og:image tag?
sk01 replied on at Permalink Reply
Whatsapp accepts only small images. facebook wants bigger images.

And on facebook I can choose the image i want to use when sharing a link.
see here
or here
hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
I read the links, but it seems tricky way. So I can't support multiple og:image officially.
However, I'd like to update this package to make it enable to override from the application directory.
Which concrete5 version are you using now?
sk01 replied on at Permalink Reply
that would be great!

I'm using the latest stable. 8.5.1
concrete5cojp replied on at Permalink Reply
A new release is published on the marketplace.
Now you can override a class "Concrete\Package\OpenGraphTagsLite\Src\Html\OpenGraphTags".
If you don't familiar with overriding, please read this doc.

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