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Page Hit Counter

Extends C5's own built in pageStatistics model to display a text or graphical hit counter.

Options include:

  • Display the counter only to logged-in members of your site.
  • Select which graphic (if any) to display as your counter.
  • Set minimum number of digits (adds leading zeros). 

The hit counter can display a simple text count such as 0123456789

or alternatively it can display a graphical count such as  7seg


Various graphical styles are included such as...





and many many more...

You can design your own counter graphic... simply copy the format of those examples above and split each digit into it's own image ie...



They must be .gif files as this is hard coded into the block.... place all the images into a unique forlder and place that folder into the page_hit_counter/styles directory. The block will automatically add your new style to the list of selections.

The counter can be left,center or right aligned or styled any which way you want using C5's own block style options.


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