Using page description (if available) instead of first block

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I was wondering if there's a way to customise the template so it uses the page description instead of the first block when ones available? Basically would like to use the page block excerpt as a fallback when users haven't added a page description.

Great add on by the way... find myself using it all the time.

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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, this is very easy to do (it's how the built in page_list block does it)... just override the template file by copying this file:
SITEROOT/packages/page_list_teasers/blocks/page_list/templates/teasers.php here:

Then modify that copied file and change this line:
$teaser = $plth->getPageTeaser($page, 'Main', $teaserBlockCount, $teaserTruncateChars); this:
$teaser = $page->getCollectionDescription();


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