Getting Started

Getting started with ProBlog could not be simpler.  Install and go.

You can start making blog entries from the very start.  But you may want to go and acquire a few API Keys to fully utilize ProBlogs great features.

Lets go through them here and get you set up!

Alchemy API

Alchemy API provides robust content metrics to help guide and assist you in your SEO keyword and language targets. Fully utilizing this great tool throughout your blogging experience improves your Search Engine Optimization dramatically.

ProBlog's SEO Optimizer Tool will help you focus your target keyword strategy with full continuity throughout your posts content, meta data, and keywords. 

To get started head to and obtain a FREE API key.

Once you have this Key, you can go to your ProBlog Settings area in your C5 dashboard and enter your Key in the Alchemy input field. API

If you may often find yourself embedding videos, photos, galleries - essentially any embeddable content, you will want to activate features in ProBlog.  It makes managing and embedding external content SUPER easy for some 250 providers.

Head to and obtain your FREE API key.

Once you have this Key, you can go to your ProBlog Settings area in your C5 dashboard and enter your Key in the input field.

Once you do this, you can simply create a link within your content to any video or embed page using dummy text as a placeholder and simply edit the html of said link and make sure it has a class of "embedly".  ProBlog will do the rest.


 Sharethis API

Sharethis API is highly recommended and easy to use.  But beyond offering powerful social sharing, sharethis also offers spectacular metrics for you to measure your social impact with your articles.

Head to and obtain your FREE API key.

One you have registered, head to your account settings area and hunt down you "pub key".  Copy this code and paste it into the Sharethis field in your ProBlog dashboard settings area.

Now your social buttons will be account bound and provide you with excellent social metrics and tracking information.


Disqus API

Disqus API is one of the most widely used commenting systems used today.  It offers you user-account-indifferent commenting - aka, no login required for this site.  Which many users love.

ProBlog automatically switches view states in the front-end depending on how you set up your ProBlog settings.  If you want to enable Disqus commenting, you need to do two things:

  1. make sure "Comments" is checked near the top of your ProBlog settings
  2. make sure you have entered your Disqus account name properly (case sensitive)
You can obtain your Disqus Account here:

Twitter Authentication

Authenticating your Twitter account allows ProBlog to take full advantage of powerful social networks in a sublimely simple way.

Authentication is very simple.  You simply click on the "Authorize Twitter" button and sign into your Twitter account, and give ProBlog permission to post on your behalf.  

If you do not have a twitter account, you can obtain one here:

Once you have ProBlog connected to your Twitter account, you can post to directly to twitter from any ProBlog Post pane by clicking on the "post to twitter" button in the options tab.  Toss some #hashtags and maybe an @username reference and you are good to go.

If you Log into your Twitter account, you can connect other services such as Facebook and allow twitter to post automatically to your Facebook pages or accounts. The implication of this is of course - you Blog, post to twitter , twitter posts to Facebook - you kill two birds with one stone.