Version History

v3.08: fixed issue where window would sometimes scroll to the top of the main image when selecting a new thumb 

v3.07: fixing slider dragging behavior for mobile devices 

v3.06: removing debugging statements 

v3.05: double initialization fix for bug introduced in 3.04  

v3.04: IE9 filmstrip load fix 

v3.03: made grid view thumb widths responsive 

v3.02: bug fix for IE when no slider present 

v3.01: chrome image height fix 

v3.0: responsive resizing to adjust to container width, swiping support for touch devices, changed photo info strip to be full width for easier readability. 

v2.11: fixed pixel wobble due to width animation on image fade in. now just opacity fade.  

v2.10: automatically turn proPhoto_linkURL attribute into a link if displayed as an image detail 

v2.09: concrete5.5 styling 

v2.08: custom & descending sorting bug fix

v2.07: bug fix for sort by attribute, due to core method signiture change on FileList::sortByAttributeKey() 

v2.06: sort by set completely disabled due to 5.4.2 bug, unless you use SORT_BY_FILE_SET_ALLOWED global variable

v2.04: disabling call to sortByFileSetDisplayOrder, since method seems have a 5.4.2 bug

v2.03: made details link present even if no attributes were shown, and made the main image clickable if more detail target was provided.

v2.02: auto-detect if html is included in image description, if not, apply htmlentities

v2.01: Digital watermark png / gif transparency fix

v2.0: Digital watermarks

v1.45: running image title, description, attributes through html entities

v1.44: new optino for sorting by set order (requires > concrete5.4.1).

v1.43: fix for external link bug that was introduced in 1.41

v1.42: page through images with the left and right arrow keys.  slider and filmstrip width bug fixes for use within popup block

v1.41: modified javascript to work when loaded via the popup block

v1.40: added support for optional PRO_PHOTO_FILE_PERMISSIONS_DISABLED global variable, to disable honoring of file access permission settings.

v1.38: fixed filter by set bug that was introduced in version 1.36

v1.36: added draggable interface for custom image sequence.  Javascript change for IE9 compatibility. 

v1.35: loosened cache settings to address paging issue

v1.33: added optional image preloading