How to get main image full size.

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I have updated Pro photo on this site and am having an issue with the main image size.
It is used in conjunction with your real estate package and many of the listings only have one or 2 images. The main photo is setting its size in direct relation to the width of the thumbs as per attached pic.
I also change the code in the real estate listing page to not show a thumb if there was only one photo which now results in a main image of 0px width as there is no thumb nail.
I can set a fixed width in css, but the purpose of the update was to enable the pages to be responsive.
Any hint on what to change would be appreciated.


2 Attachments

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
can you paste a link to where I can see this behavior?
cmerritt replied on at Permalink Reply

This is just the test site.
you can also look at the new homes tab.


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