Mouseover Bug

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Hi Tony

Mouseover image doesn't work with IE8 with Google Chrome it works...

Tested with Cache disabled.



Type: Discussion
Status: New
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Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
are you talking about the little mountains for the next and previous links? It's working for me, but they take a second to load. If you want them loading snappier, I could make sure that they're preloaded? I'll upload a new version of that package sometime today with the change.

and btw, please, if you have other problems with any blocks you've bought in the marketplace, use the "support" forum for that block, since it makes it easier to manage fixes and feature requests.
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
k, I've added preloads on those hover images for you. that should fix the issue. just update to the newest version of that package, and clear your cache.
marius replied on at Permalink Reply
oh thank you very much for the ultra fast solution :)

sorry for posting in the wrong forum...

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