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Does the latest version work with Concrete5 v8? I'm going to see if it does, but I'm using this tool for a project right now and v8 compatibility really is needed. This tool is awesome though!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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BloodyIron replied on at Permalink Reply
Looking so far like yes. I'll see if anything breaks in the near future ;P
Advite replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi BloodyIron,

I know this is a really late reply but I have had to take a little bit of family time away from this project and just wanted to follow up as it was always my intention to try and keep up support when possible.

So out of curiosity and as I have not yet tested, how did you go running the add-on with version 8?

Any issues ?

BloodyIron replied on at Permalink Reply
So far as I recall I didn't have to do anything special for it to work. And that's with v8.1.0

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