A suggestion: pagination for thumbnails

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Hi Nour,

a feature that would be great - and currently unique for galleries for 5.7 - is pagination. Even for 5.6, as far as i know there is only Amiant Image Gallery supporting pagination.

Especially for a larger amount of images, pagination would be more than welcome, since there is no lazy loading for thumbnails...

What do you think about that?

Kind regards,

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michael,
I totally understand the need for pagination in a gallery, especially when you have lots of images and they are created on the fly.

I am hesitant however to add this feature to Touch Gallery that was built as a simple gallery for simple needs.

I have however another version of Touch Gallery, a more advanced one with more options, that I hope to push live one day (that thing is eating me alive for some reason, I just can never make myself finish it but I will I promise).

it has:
- multi sets gallery
- masonry type display
- custom thumbnails for any image
- real 1:1 touch behavior (screen follows the finger)
- hopefully pagination
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Nour,
that would be great, i'm looking forward to that product!
Please let me know when it's ready.

Thank you,
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Nour,

what do you think about lazy loading for thumbnails as an additional or alternative feature to pagination?

Lazy loading speeds up a thumbnail page significantly!
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
personally I prefer lazy loading to pagination but it's harder to sell to non-technical users.

When you say pagination everybody gets it. When you say lazy-loading you need to explain.

So my take on this is I wouldn't implement it as an alternative to pagination. I would implement it to make the gallery better.

Now when it comes to mobile, there is another aspect of the problem to take into account: the limit they put on total downloadable weight. If memory serves, most mobiles stop loading images when the total reaches around 20Mo.

Lazy loading doesn't help at all with this problem if the use is going to scroll down the whole page.

Pagination, on the other hand can help if done right. The idea is to unload images from the previous page to free up memory.

Anyway, as you can see it's a bit tricky.
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd love pagination. I'm looking at having to implement my own since it's not natively supported.
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd love pagination. I'm looking at having to implement my own since it's not natively supported.
sumera replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any way to add pagination in vivid thumb gallery addon
korxz replied on at Permalink Reply
+1 Let me know if you found it.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a support page for Touch Gallery. For help and questions about Vivid Gallery you should try on their support page :)

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