Call to a member function getFileSetID() on a non-object

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My client isn't sure what they've done, but they are getting the following error on just their home page: Call to a member function getFileSetID() on a non-object

The only resource/addon using a file set on this page is, I'm afraid, your Touch Gallery. Please could you advise me how to resolve this issue, as all other content has gone from the home page.

The website is:


Alex Morgan

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

This usually happens if the selected fileset was deleted from the dashboard. If it was deleted and then maybe recreated with the same name, it would still be a problem.

Another possibility, but less likely, is if permissions were set on the fileset and it is not accessible by guests.

If the problem is the first one, you will need to go to the package's files through FTP, comment out that line so the page works again, select an existing fileset (or delete the block) and the comment the line back on.

If you need help doing that please let me know, I can have a look for you.
exmoordesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello again,

I've been in touch with the developer of the Documents addon and they also feel certain it can't be their addon, but also feel certain that a file set has been deleted. Would you possibly be able to help me access the package and comment out the line?

Thank you so much.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, me again. Actually, I just checked the code behind Touch Gallery and I would be very surprised if it was the culprit.

The only time that function is called is when in edit mode.

What is more, there are checks in place so that function wouldn't be called unless the fileset exist.

So maybe, the first thing you should check is if you have the latest version of Touch Gallery and then check if really you don't have anything else there using filesets.

If still no, let me know, I'll have a look for you.
exmoordesigns replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you so much for your help.

On reflection their might be documents on this page which require file sets. There are used on other pages, I thought there weren't any on the home page. Perhaps the client added one.

If the problem does seem to relate to the gallery I'll get back in touch, otherwise thank you for your help.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
You are very welcome.

If you get a chance (and felt like it) would you mind taking a few minutes to review the gallery on its market page? That would be absolutely wonderful (well you know, once you things are working again and you rule out Touch Gallery as the culprit :)

Let me know if there's anything else.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Third possibility, activate full error logging in the dashboard and check the origin of the error but don't let it on too long because you don't want your users to see that big error screen
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

Could you provide me with an FTP and a dashboard access as well as the name of the documents package and I'll just go in a fix it for you? I think it'll be easier than the back and forth.

If not possible, let me know, we'll try something else.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
This was fixed and had nothing to do with Touch Gallery.

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