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Traditional Dashboard

This is a DASHBOARD THEME add-on, so this will not offer you any themes to be used on your site.

To be used only with concrete5.5 or newer!

Whenever a bigger software makes changes to their UI, adapting old users to the new interface can be challenging and you might face a lot of questions on the way. If this has been the reason you're not planning to update to 5.5, fear no more!

Traditional Dashboard offers a way to bring back PARTS of the Dashboard UI you used to have in previous versions of concrete5.

What it adds to the dashboard is the following things:

  • A left-side navigation bar you've used to seeing in concrete5 dashboard (this can also be hidden by the users, see the screenshots)
  • Second-level navigation under the selected page in the left-side navigation bar
  • Third-level navigation on top of the currently seen page's pane window if the page has third-level navigation

You still get the modern look & feel of the new UI while still keeping back some parts of the old UI.

Basically it gives you the CHOICE of which UI version you want to use. However, please note that this add-on does not completely change back the look & feel of concrete5.4.x but rather it gives back some familiar elements from older versions of concrete5.

Change is always good, as Obama would put the marketing speach of concrete5.5, but it's also good to have options over the change. Some might still prefer driving a car from the '70s although there are more modern ones available. Some people are even crazy enough to buy antique! Yeah, can you imagine?

Need to install on multiple sites? - 50% off the price

If you're an agency and want to bring back the traditional dashboard to multiple sites, please check the Agency Bundle pack for this add-on. You'll get 50% off the price!

How it works?

Just install it and your dashboard is changed to this version. If you want to change back to the new concrete5.5 dashboard theme, just uninstall the package.

The add-on also offers some configuration controls on the dashboard look and feel you can find under Dashboard => System & Settings => Basics => Traditional Dashboard Settings.

What this add-on does NOT do?

As said, this add-on migrates PARTS of the old dashboard (explained above) to the new 5.5 UI. Also, it adds some options for you to control what gets used of these parts.

This add-on:

  • DOES NOT provide a way for you to integrate 5.4.x add-ons/themes to 5.5+
  • DOES NOT offer 100% the same look & feel that concrete5 5.4- versions would
  • DOES NOT magically solve all the possible problems when updating 5.4 sites to 5.5


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