
Title and Description are optional and displayed above a table of file links link to the files found. Size and date file information are also diplayed.

Directory path must be in web space and relative to your web root and have a leading slash and no trailing slash. Directories, index.*,  and .* files are filtered out and not displayed as links. If a permission problem or no files are found, and error messaged is displayed. Filenames are sorted (with natcasesort) in ascending natural order and Upper/Lower case ignored.


Installs like any other package like any other. Drop the files (.doc, .pdf, gif, etc...) you would like to display and link into a sub directory in your web space. Create the View driectory block on a page. Enter a Title (optional). Enter a description (optional). Enter the Directory Path (relative to your web root) of where you put your files. And you are done.