Creating multiple popups in a content block

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Even though this is listed as beginner level I am struggling to figure out how to create multiple pop-ups in a single content block of text. I have a largish block of text where I want to create the equivalent of popup 'footnotes'. In other words, clicking on a bit of text, say '(1)' pops up a small text popup with the explanatory note. There are perhaps 6 or more such notes in the text block and several pages will have notes. I am not finding any guidance on the documentation page that you link. Could you provide some guidance on that, please. Thanks.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's what you want to do. First install a regular Content Block with your long text, then you need to create links in that text for popups. Click the Source button and edit the text you want to have activate the popup:

<a id="popup1">Link Text</a>

Save that then install a Content PopUp Block. Select the Link Type CSS Selector and in the field for Class or ID put #popup1. Put the text you want to popup in the Content section and save the block.

You will need to install a separate PopUp Content Block for each link you have in your regular Content Block. Each should use a different ID. Once the page is published the popUps will work for you.

deoldphart replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, thanks. That works. I thought it might be something like that but I was rather hoping I didn't have to put a separate instance of the block for each note. I can work with that.

The popups look good and will get the job done. I don't suppose there is a chance we could get the cursor to turn into a fist on hovering over the target to make it obvious that it is clickable. Thanks.

EDIT: Never mind about the cursor. I found out how with a style statement. (I'm a bit of a novice learning on the fly.) Now I have everything working the way I want. THanks for the handy add-on.
pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
You can form the link like this <a href="#" id="popup1">Link Text</a> if you don't want to play with styling.

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