Arrows left and right

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I have two questions to your Whale Owl Carousel and I hope you can help me.

1. In my carousel the arrows left and right, to see the next picture, fade in only as a mouse-over effect. Is it possible to fade in the arrows permanent and how can I do this?

2. I wanna do a fullscreen-carousel. As template I used your OwlCarouselDemo-Fullscreen. In the horizontal format it looks very good with my pictures, but in the portrait format (for example on a smartphone) it doesn’t choose the sector I wanna show. How can I change the position from the Sector, for example more left or more right?

Thank you for your help.
Kind regards

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
1- For disabling the Navigation Arrows uncheck:
Carousel: Carousel Options: Navigation (Next/Prev Buttons)
2- Can you provide an screenshot?
emr replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments

Thank you for your answer and sorry for my late reponse.

The problem is, that your template "OwlCarouselDemo-Fullscreen" choose the false sector from my picture for a smartphone.

How can I show the right sector on a smartphone? You can see my problem on the printscreen.

Thank you and kind regards
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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