Accordion collapse select area

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Good evening.

Is there a way to change the Accordion collapse area to trigger on selecting the panel rather than the title of each tab? The site we are developing has a single short word for each panel, for instance 'Car' and it would be more elegant to select the whole panel the word is situated on.


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Status: Resolved
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pilipala replied on at Permalink Reply

That's a good question. Possibly you could try something like the solution below where they have moved the link before the heading.

The accordion files are kept here: cariad\blocks\cariad_accordion
The file that you would want to change is view.php
Lines 25 to 30 are the ones referring to that area.
Before you modify the theme, please ensure you save a file to your computer in case you need to revert to the original. Also, please save modified files locally as theme updates will overwrite any changes and you will need to upload it again.


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