Background Image / Color

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I would like to change the background from what to either an image or a light grey. How do I do this? Specific instruction please.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I have an updated version of the Casual theme which allows a lot of color customization and custom template blocks but currently the marketplace has issues when uploading new versions of themes. We'll let you know immediately when we can submit the new version so you can update yours and I'll also walk you through the customization process then.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

Finally Casual version 1.1 got through the PRB automatic test. Sorry again for the delay.

First, kindly update your Casual theme version to the latest (1.1). The best way to do this is to connect your site to the marketplace and just update the theme from from there.

Once updated to 1.1 we can now change the background colors of your website by putting your site on edit mode then click settings (cog icon upper left), click design and click customize. You should see a lot of color option for the different sections of your site. The things you need to change are "Page background", "Banner background", "Header background", and "Footer background". Once you changed those to the color of your choosing, hit "save changes" on the lower right part of the screen and publish your page. Just to make sure clear your site's cache and refresh the page.

Let me know if how it turns out.

Best regards,
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply
I see no option to update. I have it connected to the store and casual theme doesn't not show up and cannot search for it. When I search for casual it does not show up. I can locate directly through the store url itself but it is only version 1.0 and attempts to force me to purchase the theme again. Please advise.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

Try putting your site on edit mode and go to "Add functionality" on the dashboard. When your site is connected to the marketplace you should see an update option there.

In-case you want to download it manually search for Casual 5.7. It should be in the 5.7 marketplace. It's possible you were searching for Casual on the 5.6 marketplace that's why you couldn't see it.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
No update option. And under update addons is says there are no updates.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

That's weird. The update add-on should show up once you've connected your site to the marketplace. I am assuming the marketplace is still being fixed.

Anyway, the next update option will be to download the new version and dump the new files inside the package folder overwriting the old one. Once this is done, you should see the update option inside the "Add functionality" page.

You can download the new version here:

Let me know how it goes so I can help you immediately.

Kind regards,
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply
That requires me to repurchase the theme?
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
No. You already purchased it. When you are logged-in in concrete5 you will be able to download the latest update.
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope keeps trying to make me purchase and prompts for credit card info.
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
I see that Casual is unassigned to your site. This might be why you cant update it.

License #7756140. Currently unassigned.
Created on Apr 08 2015 at 2:07 pm

Try assigning it. Hopefully this helps. But anyway, already sent you the file.
Good luck and let me know the result.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I'll Private message you the file instead. Give me one sec.
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply
Success! How do I assign the license to me site?
mycompguy replied on at Permalink Reply
Update button just popped up on my screen now so it must have been a glitch in their system.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry for taking a while to reply. I believe you can attach a license by going to your profile and under transactions there should be license option. Not sure about this since themes usually attach themselves automatically to the url license upon purchase.

I hope this helps.


concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20150504000000

# concrete5 Packages
Background Image and Overlay (0.9.4), Casual Theme (0.9.2), Simple Slider (1.0).

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# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

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