WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Hey there! Just to wanted to let you know we've just reduced all our 5.6 themes and add-ons. For the most part you can buy themes for only $25 and add-ons for only $15. In all cases you can get a 5 pack for the price of 3!

Thanks for reading!!

- 25 May 2016


View The Theme

“Chameleon” has been designed to allow ultimate control over your choice of color and layout. No more having to make do with incorrect color matches and restrictive themes.

Main Features:

  • Highly customizable theme using Concrete5’s built in and easy to use theme editor
  • Multiple page layouts including; “Full Width”, “Left Sidebar” and “Right Sidebar”
  • The “Full Width” layout is highly flexible with multiple predefined areas to place blocks
  • Dropdown sub navigation included

** FREE “Feature Content Block” comes packaged with the theme **

“Chameleon” comes packaged with the "Chameleon Featured Content" block. This block allows you to add a title, image and text to create a feature box of content.

The colors and fonts in this block are also customizable to allow you greater control over the look and feel of your site.


Sales have ended due to EOL

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  • None, I'm busy.

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