Different rendering on tablets and phones?

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Everything on a desktop renders perfect. However, on phones and tablets, the link color in the footer appear to have a transparency setting, I've checked in the Design-->Customize section and no transparency seems to be set.

Secondly, would there be a way to set a different header image to tablets or change the scale of the zoom on tablet sized devices? Basically, I want the header image to look like the one when rendered on a desktop.


Ken Marsh

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ken,

Let me do some testing and I'll get back to you with a solution.

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I updated the theme to fix the ipad footer text issue. Just update you theme and it should reflect the changes. If not, try clearing the cache and reload.

As for making it show the fullview on the ipad, there are two ways to do this. one involves you coding php on the header and detecting the device viewport and display the correct viewport meta. See guide:https://css-tricks.com/user-opt-out-responsive-design/...
The other way is to remove the viewport meta. This will however show the full view on the mobile as well. You can remove the viewport meta here: packages/ds_crimson57/themes/crimson/elements/header_element.php. look for <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> and remove it.

I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.

Regards and thanks.
cenlaacts replied on at Permalink Reply
That fixed it. Thanks. I'll think about how to handle the responsive image.
cenlaacts replied on at Permalink Reply
I should be able to use @media to change the big background image size from "cover" to "contain" or "100% 100%" when on tablet or smaller, correct? However, I cannot find where in the theme to modify or add the css.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

One way to add CSS is to put your site on edit mode and click settings -> design -> customise. Scroll to the very bottom and you should see custom css option. Click it and add your CSS. Also make sure to clear cache afterwards.

Hope this helps

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