WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.


District is a highly customizable and lightweight theme written for Concrete 5.5.1. It's built upon Greek Yogurt, so your existing site slips seamlessly into the design.

Almost every facet of District can be customized, and the cover image that sits behind the first third of the page (see the screenshots) can be changed to any colour you like, with any Concrete5 block you like inside it, including text, images or even a YouTube video!

And using Stacks and global blocks, you can get your website up and running in no time!

Make sure to check out the screenshots for a small sample of what you can build with District and how easy it is to get started!


Sales have ended due to EOL

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  • Replies to tickets every few days.

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  • On marketplace.concretecms.com

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