
Adding a Custom Logo Image

You can replace the default text (name of your site) that appears in the top left of the header with your own custom image! Here is how to have your own logo:

  1. In the dashboard, go to "Stacks". Look for the stack called "Logo" and select it (if it doesn't exist, you will need to create it).
  2. Add a standard "Image" block to the stack. Here, you can choose to link it to any page (Home is recommended), and you should specify a max width and height.
  3. Once added, click on the block, and select the "Custom Template" option.
  4. In the dialog, enter "My_Site_Name" (be sure to include underscores and capital letters) for the block name. Save it.
  5. Approve the stack, and you're done! Your logo should now appear in place of the default text!

TIP: Logo image shouldn't be any taller than around 50, and not wider than 300.