
The slider area can have any content added to it as means of display only, but if a list is created, the content it holds will be inserted into a slider.

To add content to the slider, simply create a bulleted list in the slider block, each item in the list will be formatted into an individual slide.

  • A paragraph of text (will be formatted in fancy font)
  • An image (1000x400px required, if not it will be stretched to fit)

If you want the correctly set out code for reference, here is what it looks like:



<p>A paragraph of text</p>




<img src="imagename.jpg" alt="Image Description" width="1000" height="400" />




Some issues with PNG transparency and no slider support in IE6+7, however, degrades gracefully, free updates when this is fixed, not a big issue.

More infromation about this theme is available here

For more support or to report any unknown issues contact me at