Change headings to another google font.

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Hi there.

Firstly, thanks for publishing this great theme.

I would like to change heading fonts to an alternate google font but I'm struggling and so was hoping you could provide details on the ideal way to do it, please.
Namely, how best to import the family and then how to modify the styles. Any modifications I make to Theme > Customise > Advanced > Custom CSS don't seem to make any changes to my site.

Sorry if this is a really basic question, but I've been searching for quite a while now and tried a bunch of methods (the ones listed in the motif support and elsewhere), but nothing is giving me any joy...

Thanks in advance.

Type: Ticket
Status: Resolved
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Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi craines,

Thanks for the purchase!

You can get the wanted result following the next steps:

1 - Navigate to Dashboard > System & Settings > Tracking Codes
2 - Put your google font link tags inside the textarea "Header Tracking Codes" ( Screenshot 1 )
3 - Then you can add your custom CSS via Theme > Customize > Advanced > Custom CSS
If you want to apply the new font for all the headings tags you can add this css code ( Screenshot 2 ):

div.ccm-page h1, div.ccm-page h2, div.ccm-page h3, div.ccm-page h4, div.ccm-page h5, div.ccm-page h6{
    font-family: 'Ceviche One', cursive;

Hopefully these steps will help you.

Best Regards,
ConcreteCMS DE Support Team
craines replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your help with this Xanweb.
Unfortunately, it's not working for me.

When I get to step 2 and press save in the tracking codes page I get a 403 error.
If I enter just plain HTML or text it works fine and the tracking codes page is saved.
If I enter either @import, <link> or <script> I get the 403. This occurs even if it's an empty script tag, eg. <script></script>

What I would like to put is either of the following:

@import url(;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

I've contacted the web host and they have suggested that it might be permissions or a setting on the files. I've looked through the files on the server; folders are 755 with files 644, which seems correct.

I also get a 403 error with @import in Design > Customize > Custom CSS.

Any ideas where the issue might be?
Thanks again for your help...
Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi craines,

Under Dashboard > System & Settings > Tracking Codes
You have to put only the <link> tags provided by google fonts, exactly as shown in attached screenshot1 ( In the top right of the reply ).
For you it will be the the following code:

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

And for Design > Customize > Custom CSS Section
you have to put only this CSS code:

div.ccm-page h1, div.ccm-page h2, div.ccm-page h3, div.ccm-page h4, div.ccm-page h5, div.ccm-page h6{
font-family: 'Just Another Hand', cursive;

Best Regards,
ConcreteCMS DE Support Team

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