Background Image

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I want to create a background image for a page. But, I cannot get the white background color in the main section to go away. Advice

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
The built-in background-image/color feature is designed to apply on `Boxed` pages. You can either turn on the boxed feature in theme `Options > General > General > Boxed` or on a per-page basis via page attributes.
NECA replied on at Permalink Reply

When activating either the Body: Background Image or Body: Background Color on a page, the image or color only gets applied to the Header Bottom area and not the whole page. It also doesn't use the pages width to scale the background image so the image extends wider than the browser window.

Any thoughts on how this can be resolved? Thanks!

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# concrete5 Overrides
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soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5
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