Single column, but not in the mega menu

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Hello, general question. I'm currently designing a website and there's a handful of sub-pages I'd like to have in a drop down from the main header navigation. They're currently a single column in a mega menu, however how do I add just a single column that fits right underneath the link, like what you have on your example website. I was poking through the attributes and couldn't find it! I know I'm skipping over something really easy here. Just need a nudge in the right direction, thanks again for the amazing theme!

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Eliminating the 'Mega Menu: Content' attribute from the parent page?
giraffecity replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, it appears the drop down doesn't function at all without mega menu attribute being applied to the parent page. So maybe that's my issue? I'll PM you login credentials if you need to check it out. Thanks!
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Fixed. In addition to removing "Mega Menu *" attributes, the number of levels should be specified in the auto-nav block. Check the attached screenshot.
giraffecity replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! Thank you so much for your help. I knew I was missing something super easy.

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