We have tried to make a template for the slider, but...

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Hi again,

We have tried to make a new template for the slider, where we frame the owerlay as a box around the text (as seen here:http://demo13.concrete5danmark.dk/... ). I tried to make the same thing on the full screen video slide with no luck yet. It seem a little tricky to figure out how to do just that.

Do you have any suggestions as I would like to use it that way here:https://www.concrete5.dk/ .

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I add the related CSS rules and it seems working fine.
Check attached screenshot.
C5DK replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow. Thanks... I will try it out later to day...
maar replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to add to this,

I'm making another template, but I do not seem to find where you inject the inline css style to the caption div. You are injecting some styles "transform: translateY(0px); opacity: xx.xx; top: xxx.xpx". I need to remove "top" and add bottom: 0;.
I need to make a full width caption overlay, fixed at the bottom, where the height is controlled by the text content. Is this something you could guide me to.

shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Plz follow these steps:
1- Create a new template for slider at: \packages\theme_pixel\blocks\whale_image_slider\templates\pixel2.php
2- At newly created file change data-template="pixel" to data-template="pixel2" (giving the new template a new identity which enable you target that directly without affecting default template)
3- at \packages\theme_pixel\themes\pixel\css\less\custom.dev.less add this line of code:
           background-color: red!important;
           padding: 20px 30px;

I hope it makes sense. Tell me if you need more help.
C5DK replied on at Permalink Reply

I just fixed it another way.

1. make a template
2. make my changes in the template
3. add a new class at the end of the slider-caption (I call it slider-caption-full)
4. make my overwrites in custom.dev.less

That worked too.

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