The Reliance Video Add-on

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I'm having issues with the video add-on. Looking for a more specific walk through. I have a YouTube channel with videos I would like to effectively archive on a website I'm building. I can't seem to figure out how to get videos into the add-on. For example, what is meant by "Video ID"? Can you not archive videos from the web; i.e. do you have to download/upload videos onto the site? I guess I'm just looking for clarification on how to use this feature of the theme. I am new at all this, but trying to make progress. I love the theme.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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mejoubert replied on at Permalink Reply
UPDATE: I do know what a video ID is. I'm simply noticing that the add-on isn't working. I put in the video id (from either a YouTube or Vimeo video) and it does nothing. Nothing appears in the block.

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