

1. Put this folder into the root/packages folder of your concrete5 website

2. Install the package, then enable the theme

3. Add the following to the config/site_theme_paths.php file (or create it when it does not exists).

/* ==== start ==== */

$v = View::getInstance();

$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "schoolbus");

$v->setThemeByPath('/page_forbidden', "schoolbus");

$v->setThemeByPath('/page_not_found', "schoolbus");

$v->setThemeByPath('/register', "schoolbus");

/* ====  end  ==== */



1. Background colors and fonts

Go to the theme here dashboard/pages/themes/ and click "customize"

2. Logo

Add an standard concrete image to the Sitewide Logo area instead of it's default.

3. Social media links

Add an standard content block to the Sitewide Footer Social area instead of it's default, 

or change the url's in the template.

4. Slideshow

Put concrete's standard slideshow block in the Sitewide Slideshow area.

Choose the "schoolbus" custom template in the template menu of the block.

5. Basic blocks        

Sidebar: use a content block with a "header 2" (H2) as a title. Underneath a pagelist of your choice.

Footer Nav: use a content block with a "header 2" (H2) as a title. Optionally a pagelist or more content.